​Online seminar:
Second Module of
the Seminar
Children at Risk
Date: to be confirmed
This seminar will have a duration of three (3) weeks!!!
Classes (3 hours) every Monday and Wednesday. With about 2 hours of homework (You Tube movies, articles, etc.) for each class. Each class starts at 13:00 Amsterdam time zone.
Total of 6 classes.
We recommend that you read the book: "A grace disguised" by Jerry Sittser before the start of the class as preparation for the trauma and resilience teaching.
(There will be no books to read during the seminar).
Topics of teachings of second module
Value of girls and women around the world, and why it matters.
Abortion and the deception of the personhood theory. What it is, why it matters, and what we can do.
Combatting human trafficking: understanding the problem and learning different ways to take action.
Community development: how to help transform slums and refugee camps; pitfalls and good practice.
Education: Character of the teacher / Teaching children: how to plan your lessons, understanding the different types of intelligence and giftings in children.
Trauma and resilience: using practical tools for grief and trauma counseling with children, and how to build up their resilience.
Johan and Jeannette Lukasse, The Netherlands / Brazil.
Rite Mayers, Canada/Spain
Aukje Brouwer, The Netherlands/ South Africa
Mireille Veijer, The Netherlands/ France
Toos Heemskerk, The Netherlands
Misty Mihai, USA/ Romania
Platforms: Zoom and Google Classroom.
Languages: English
University of the Nations certificate:
This seminar is registered as an Extension Course with the University of the Nations, and participants will receive a certificate upon successful completion of the seminar.
Costs: USD 5 (five US dollars).
Having completed the first module: Online Seminar Introduction to Children at Risk, OR: working in a ministry with Children at Risk.
Be 18 years or older.
Be a committed Christian.
Have sufficient English.
Have never been convicted of an offense concerning any kind of abuse against a child (a person under 18 years old) and have never abused a child.
Application second module of online seminar Children at Risk is closed