The Children at Risk Schools are given in different countries.
Choose one of the schools listed below, click on the link and apply to become a student in the next school!
New!!! United States; Richmond. Language: English
Dates: September-December 2024, followed by one or two 3-6 month internship periods.
New!!!! India: Jaipur. Language: English
Dates: August-October 2024.
Netherlands: YWAM Heidebeek, Heerde. Language: English
Dates: April-June, followed by mission trip July-August.
Brazil: YWAM Recife. Languages: Portuguese/English
Dates: April-June, followed by one or two 3-6 month internship periods.
Brazil: YWAM Curitiba. Language: Portuguese only
Dates: March-May, followed by one or two 3-6 month internship periods.
Brazil: YWAM Recife Marco Zero. Language: Portuguese only
Dates: Sept- Nov, followed by one or two 3-6 month internship periods.
Mission trips or internships
After the theoretical class time, some schools offer a 3-month mission trip with cross-cultural experiences, while others offer one or two 3-6 month internship periods. This 3-6 month internship is optional and can be done at YWAM or any other Christian organization or ministry that works with children at risk. We have opportunities at most YWAM bases that offer the Children at Risk School, but students can also choose other locations of their preference.
New schools and seminars planned
In addition to the Children at Risk Schools already in place and taking place every year, there are plans for new Children at Risk Schools and/or seminars.
We also now offer several online seminars.