About our Children at Risk School:...
“I think the greatest gift that we can give a hurting child is the gospel, and an opportunity for relationship with Jesus. Out of this relationship comes confidence, self worth, purpose, discovery of identity, belonging, and incredible security. Then, when external challenges come and rock them, they will be more resilient, because they know that they are deeply loved and they have a Father that will never leave them, nor forsake them.
The children at risk school is a training program, that allows you to have conversations with God and with others about the plight of the children at risk. It then equips you in Godly character skills and knowledge, to assist and empower you to be a part of Gods response to the needs that we see around us.”
Hayley, (leader Children at Risk School in Australia)
"Throughout the Children At Risk school I learned a lot about who I am and what I am called to do in ministry. I knew that helping out with kids was something that I could never get away from, even if I wanted to. As the various teachers came in, week after week during our school, I was inspired by the different courageous things that they have done. As I listened to all of these speakers I was encouraged and realized that I too could make a difference. This CAR school was a crucial step in my journey and adventure with God! "
Hannah, (student from USA)
"The Children at Risk School has broadened my worldview and has ignited a passion that I didn't know was within me."
Iris, (student from the Netherlands)
"The Children at Risk School has empowered me to look more holistically at critical issues surrounding those most vulnerable, and it has given me the practical tools to take action and advocate.”
Kelsey, (student from USA)
“This school not only equipped me with skills to minister to children at risk, but it also shaped my perspective of missions and how to minister to others without hurting them. So valuable!”
Melanie, (student from Singapore)
“The Children at Risk School opened my eyes to see the needs of children and opened my heart to support them through community development. It equipped me to better advocate for children and to see the value they already have in society.”
Jamin, (student from Switzerland)
“This school changed my views from a “save the child” mentality to “empower, support, and improve families and communities.” It brought a holistic approach to child protection. Because of the Christian aspect, it proved that in God, there is always HOPE!”
Thato, (student from Lesotho)
“The Children at Risk School has helped me to see the sobering reality of the state of many children living in the world today. In the midst of this brokenness, I can do something – whether big or small – to help restore communities, families, and children at risk.”
Adam, (student from Singapore)
“This school has completely changed my perspective on children. They are so very important and valuable, and can make a huge impact in this world. I can see now the potential that God has placed in each child, and I want to work hard to call this out.”
Leah, (student from Germany)
“This school has taught me to look beyond the surface, not just seeing issues as they are and assuming bad heart motivations from people. It has expanded my understanding of brokenness and helped me to see the capability and power of children in the kingdom of God and on earth today.”
Mirjam, (student from Sweden)